Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baking for Uncle Bob

We made cookies to send to Uncle Bob for his birthday. T loved doing it and Uncle Bob LOVED the cookies!!

I received the best phone call from Uncle Bob thanking us for the cookies and then Aunt Debbie sent the following email. I cried when I read it!

OMG......Bob loved the cookies!!!!! It was the cutest thing watching him open them. I had them wrapped in a box that I covered just the top of the box so he didn't have to flip them over and could just lift the lid off.....then I took my eyes off of him for a nano second and upside down the box went and he was tearing the paper off of the no-tear top!!!!! But, cookies were safe. When he opened the box, I swear I saw some teardrops in his eyes as I had set your note and the pictures of  T on top of the cookies. He was so touched that you had put so much thought into making sure you remembered his birthday. First, getting all the ingredients and shopping for a card. Then the bake-off along with pictures, which were absolutely the most precious part of the "treat"....figuring out how to package them and doing it the most thoughtful way on earth.....Jen LOVED the clothes! Then heading to the post office and mailing them!!!!!! You amaze me more and more every day......I don't know how we got so many blessing the day you stepped into our lives. And, I don't know how you find the time to do such thoughtful and generous things, but you certainly made Bob's day....all day yesterday he kept saying "Don't let me forget to call Courtney after the kids leave"! But I did not have to remind him.....he remembered first thing as they were leaving! Anyways, I wish I were as creative as you and could think of all these little things you always do for everybody that make you so special in our hearts and in our lives. We love you so much! And please tell Taron Uncle Bob smiles everytime he has one of the most delicious cookies on earth! Which, by the way, are vanishing fast!!!!! Give Brandikins and T a hug and a kiss form us!Love you guys! Love Aunt Debbie

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