Monday, January 28, 2013

Mommy's 33rd Birthday

Today is my birthday, I am happy and content with my beautiful family and life and blessed beyond measure. Taron has been an angel all day today and has been in a loving, kind, happy mood.

Here are a few of my favorite things that she is saying these days.

Thank you....Dant Do
Fill it Up.......Filb it up
When she has gas.....big farts
When her tummy hurts and she can't fart.....Mommy, Farts Stuck
(That one is my favorite)
Any kind of sweets or even a granola bar.....cookies
 Playing on the kitchen floor today
 Mommy's birthday dinner at the Monterey Airport, the Golden Tee has amazing food and we got to watch the planes come and go!
She was so amazing, best manners, quiet and kind that the MANAGER brought all of us ice cream. So proud of our sweet 2 year old! And this was her first time in a booster seat at a restaurant  She kept asking for a highchair, it was cute!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Quotes

Taron has been known to say things during church, especially when it is DEAD silent in church. Some of my favorites are:

"FIIRREE" when seeing the Advent Wreath all light up while at the communion railing"

Yelling "More" while the Organist is moving on to the next hymn or song

"Jesus" well since we are in church let's just yell it!!!

But today was a topper....Pastor is Chanting the Sacrament of the Alter before we take communion and Taron informs all of us around her....."Pador (Pastor) Cooking".....okay sweet girl, Pastor is cooking.

Love her to pieces.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter lawn care

Daddy doesn't have to mow often in the winter, maybe once a month, but he has a little helper when it is time to mow!

Sick girl

Here she is before the stomach flu hit on January 3.....poor girl! She was such a trooper!

The next generation

She loves her computer.....otherwise known as a "puter" and I found her like this in the days after Christmas. She is the sweetest child!

Current style....

No pants please. Love her!

Christmas morning

The is the only picture I got of T in her Christmas dress on Christmas morning. She will be wearing it in a few days to church again so I will try to get some better ones then.


She's got style. I love it!


T loves a phone. Fake phone, cell phone, land line....even the remote can be a phone. She is also getting really good at unlocking our cell phones to get to "birds"(angry birds) and music. Sometimes she is a vit of a stinker about it makes us have to use our parenta voice, she then listens well.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Long few days

Wow, it has been a long few days and Taron isn't all the way over the flu yet. I am so far behind, need to pay bills, organize a mess of a house before the In Laws show up on Friday, grocery and Costco shop and sleep when I can find time. Oh and go back and spell check the postal from when I was sick and make them "make a little sense". I am almost excited for a few days at home with just T so I can get some stuff done!

First on the list is sleep, must sleep, so goodnight!

Friday, January 4, 2013

And the whole house

Got the flu! What a great 24 hours it has been, but what can one do. I got it the worst out of anyone, but I am truly amazed at the resilience of our sweet baby girl. On the mend now and am excites for my weekend get a away with my hubby. It will be our first time away from T over night since she came home from the hospital....wish us luck!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Icky Old Flu

I was woken up at 12:30 am or otherwise know as o dark thirty by a screaming baby. When I went into her room I found a baby and a bed covered in throw up. She then decided to throw up on me as I was getting her out of the crib. We were up all night. She finally stopped the constant throwing up about 3 and we mapped for 45 minutes. Up until 5 then and after that sheslept from 5-7 in me on the couch. She asked milk at 7:30 this morning so we are trying it and seeing what happens....praying it doesn't come back up. I would so anything in the world to keep her from getting this.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

So the quote of the morning. She is playing in a box, falls over and states, " I broke it" " I hurt it". Then grabs her broom and sweeps it. Gotta love her!